Saturday, May 15, 2010

8 DVDs Complete Set : Magical egypt

growing body of evidence us suggesting a missing chapter in human history. Symbolist author and Egyptologist John Anthony West explores evidence of a sophisticated science behind the unexplainable accomplishments of Ancient Egypt. Was Ancient Egypt the inheritor of a body of scientific and spiritual knowledge from an even earlier civilization? Author / Mathematician Michael S Schneider discusses organic geometry and the role of the Fibonacci number series in growing life. West then demonstrates the presence of the Fibonacci series in the stages of construction of the temple of Karnak, also known as the "House of Life". The Magical Egypt series is the bearer of a new (actually old) interpretation of the mysteries of Ancient Egypt - a symbolist interpretation that finds rich, substantive meaning in the very architecture and surviving works of art of the ancient Egyptian culture. The series is the brainchild of John Anthony West. Initially, I was trying to remember where I had heard that name before, but it all came back to me once the topic of the Sphinx came up in this initial, introductory episode to the series. Back in 1993, Charlton Heston hosted a documentary on NBC called The Mystery of the Sphinx, and in that documentary it was John Anthony West who advanced the idea that the Sphinx was actually far, far older than modern academics believe. This wasn't just conjecture on his part, for it was based on a geological analysis of the water wearing evident on the base of the Sphinx itself - a base that was covered by the sands for countless centuries. According to his analysis, such water weathering could not have occurred there after the first Ice Age, meaning the Sphinx was actually quite old when modern scientists believe it was built (roughly 2500 BC). This discovery only reinforced his own beliefs regarding ancient Egypt - namely, that it was privy to ancient, possibly even Atlantean, knowledge.

West has basically taken up the symbolist banner of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, who found correlations between the stars and human events that convinced him that the science of ancient Egypt was a sacred science, one incorporating such esoteric disciplines as magic and astrology alongside sciences such as mathematics into a unified knowledge that rivaled if not exceeded that of modern science today. The secrets of that science, he contends, are hidden in plain view today - in the architecture of ancient monuments. West argues that these secret teachings (hermetic thought) went underground as the Egyptian civilization deteriorated but went on to influence the great thinkers of the world up through the Renaissance.

This first video in the Magical Egypt series basically introduces us to the notions of this secret, magical side to Egyptian culture, whose mystery schools supposedly harbored knowledge, based on what was already ancient knowledge, of the very secrets of the universe. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this particular presentation features a discussion of the harmonic design that supposedly lies in the architecture of ancient Egypt and seemingly culminates in the design of the temple of Karnak. According to West, Karnak's design was based on the Fibonacci series of numbers. In this series, beginning with 0, each number represents the sum of the two previous numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc.). This proves most fascinating because the Fibonacci series is prevalent throughout nature; to West, this pattern is nothing less than the voice of life itself. Organic growth is regulated in such a way that it maintains the balance of an object, be it a nautilus' chamber or a tree or a population of bees, and that natural balance can be broken down mathematically into the Fibonacci series. Karnak, which was continuously constructed over the course of centuries, supposedly expanded in accordance with this innate natural law of growth and balance, and that is why West finds such tremendous significance in the architecture of Karnak itself.

1-The Invisible Science

2-The Old Kingdom and the Still Older Kingdom


4-The Temple in Man - The Invisible Science

5-Navigating the Afterlife 

6-Legacy - The Invisible Science 

7-Illumination - The Invisible Science 



format : dvd

size: 218  each episode 

duration : 47 mins each episode 

language: english

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Episode 1


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episode 2


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episode 3


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episode 5


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episode 6


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episode 7


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episode 8


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